Springtime at Bedford Landings

Posted on March 17, 2015 by Bedfordlandings

Springtime at Bedford Landings!  It’s in the air.  We wonder what to wear with the change in weather, we watch the wind and sunshine doing a dance, pilots call for wind reports hoping they can fly, and we yearn to be out on the beautiful water here at Smith Mountain Lake! I wanted to share a few activities we have this Spring.

Last month, I told you I would do a follow-up post with an updated photo of the painted chairs for the Chair-ity event so here they are.  My sister and I collaborated long distance since she lives in Florida more than she lives at Smith Mountain Lake.  She painted the way cool seats of the CATBIRD and the TREE FROG.  We call these chairs Sitting in the Catbird Seat and the Jump Seat! I love them but I really want to see what others did to decorate their chairs.  I think the sale is in May in Bedford.

Jumpseat and Catbird seat

Jumpseat and Catbird seat

We are starting to get daily phone calls wanting reservations for summer so not only is it Spring at Bedford Landings, others are feeling that Old Dreary Winter has moved on!  Make your reservations now for a summer get away!

This week, Bedford Landings is hosting the Chamber of Commerce membership for a Business After Hours social.  We are so happy to have wonderful partners!  We will serve wine offered by Ramulose Ridge Vineyards, Pizza by Benny Adelina’s, A tray of Asian faire by Edo’s Sushi and Grill, Beer from Sunken City Brewery, and hot appetizers from the new Eastlake Restaurant. Also we will have entertainment by Jodie’s Acoustics. Our Chamber of Commerce at Smith Mountain Lake is so active and helpful! We are pleased to be able to host this Springtime social!

Last Fall, we bought a previously owned deck boat that proceeded to sink, flooding the engine and leading to a huge oily mess.  Jack and I have been busy power washing and trying to get it ready for the season.  More on that later!

As Spring is springing, we are just hopeful that we will grow some grass this year and our landscape will start to mature!  To anyone with a green thumb, we welcome any flowering sprigs you have growing that you wish to share!

More later as we celebrate Springtime at Bedford Landings!


Nancy Rae Brown on March 18, 2015

Your chairs are painted perfectly to set off the adorable seats! They will be big hits at the May auction.

Jack Hutslar on March 18, 2015

Look forward to the Chamber BAH at your place and taking a tour . . . jack and sally

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