Poor Miss Pine

Posted on June 6, 2024 by Bedfordlandings

In 1976, I was only 6 inches tall.  Starting my new life in a dorm room, I have witnessed many life events. In my more than 40 years I have met dogs, cats, and babies, witnessed power outages, panic, terror, sadness, anxiety, surprise, and joy as I have moved from Virginia to Michigan, back to Virginia, to Missouri, North Carolina, and back again to Virginia. Two different families fostered me while Bedford Landings was being built. But finally I have found a comfortable place to winter in the breakfast room; and summer in the sun of the screened porch. As my best, I stood over 7 feet tall. I add new growth each summer.  Unfortunately, I would also shed fronds and some of my lower branches became a bit drafty.  But, I have had many ancestors that have grown to over 200 feet tall.  Proudly, I wear white lights to give a soft glow to the breakfast room where people are stunned that I am actually a live Norfolk Pine.  At Christmas, small ornaments adorn my branches and through it all, I proudly am referred to as “Miss Pine!” and “Miss Pine of Bedford Landings” to my important friends!

Well, now we have sad news. As the years went by, standing guard at Bedford Landings B & B, my pot began to rot so my owners decided to do me a favor and get me a new pot. I got new soil and a healthy new start. But somehow that didn’t agree with my system. More fronds shed than should have in the Spring of 2024. At 48 years old, it appeared I was withering away from my best to looking my worst. My owners were perplexed as to what to do. And here is what happened. As she cried, she sawed me down. Yes, with an actual saw. She took my best part and saved it in hopes I could root somehow. She also stuck a small piece back into the soil. If I bear children, I will be amazed truly!

Miss Pine losing her fronds

I am not angry with her, but maybe, just maybe there will be a miracle and my life will be perpetuated.

Shortened Miss Pine
Stump of Miss Pine

Nothing to do now except watch the passers by and hope that I can sprout. I will try really hard! Stay tuned!

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