I know readers may be tired of hearing about them, but we are having fun with our chickens! Macaroni, Cupcake, Honeybun, Blackie, and Red have become part of our daily routine. Up with the sun and to bed with the sun is a true statement! They love treats after breakfast preparations such as ground up fruit peels and egg shells or popcorn. But their favorite is watermelon!
We have been collecting their eggs which seem to appear about mid morning. We have collected about a dozen in all so far and yes, we have cracked and eaten them. Quite good eggs I must say! But, this week, I had to laugh! The chicken that laid it must have been kind of embarrassed. The one I found was so small it looked like a malted milk ball or a robin egg! A friend told me these are called Fairy Eggs! There are other names too. You can read more about them in this link.
Besides the chickens, we have been busy with wonderful guests. Tomorrow (August 4) we are having a cookout for guests who have stayed at Bedford Landings and who have purchased homes to live at Smith Mountain Lake. If you are one of these and I was unaware of your purchase, please let me know and you too can come!
Jack continues to work on the RV-10 (the plane he is building). Fiberglass work leads to lots of dust! Here is a photo of his arm after a day of work. Can that be healthy? He is striving to have it completed by next summer. Stay tuned on that!
Last weekend, we re-entered our boat in the cardboard boat regatta. You may recall that last year we came in third. Engineer, Jack felt sure that with a little rowing practice he and Bill could row to victory this time. They did practice in the boat about a month before the race, but the little boat took on water. Drying it out and repairing it, Jack towed it to the 4-H Center. There were 11 boats in the regatta this year. They ran two heats with the best time winning. The objective was to row to the outside of the red buoys. The problem is the red buoys were about the size of baseballs and the steer man in the rear of the boat could barely see them. They missed one and had to backtrack making their first time 3:17. The second heat, Bill donned his lucky pink sunglasses and they rowed their way to the best time of the day 2:40. We won the award for best time, as well as best display, and best in class. Wow! We can never top all of this acclaim so next year we will turn it over to our youth to row!
Super grand daughter (12-year old) has been here this month and has visited Luray Caverns, been to Kings Dominion, attended a (rained out) Salem Red Sox game, had friends spend the night, and been out in the water as much as possible. Photos show some of these experiences including LOVE LETTERS at Luray Caverns. I blogged about the Love Letters across the state of Virginia earlier this year.
Destiny’s visit is coming to an end next week as it is nearing “Back to School Time!”
If it is back to school time then that means Fall is around the corner. Already? Hard to believe! Enjoy the 86 degree water and what is left of summer while you can!