Wine, Wreaths, and Water at Bedford Landings

Posted on April 24, 2015 by Bedfordlandings

Bedford Landings B & B is always growing and adding features. Today’s blog is about wine, wreaths and water.

Our new water feature is almost complete. I blogged about it two weeks ago.  I still have to put in some plants around it.  Since the weather has been rather chilly lately, we have not planted all the garden plants and have not stained the patio. We plan to stain every other tile to make a checker/chess board. Once that is complete, I will share photos of our giant chess board which will be part of the water feature. (work by WaterGarden Designs.)

You may remember that about this time last year, my Mom was living out her last days on earth. To honor her, we will dedicate this water feature to her and call it Marthy Creek. Marthy was Mom’s nickname. Her mother often called my Mom, Marthy (her name was Margaret Ann). In her later years, I affectionately called Mom Marthy too! So come sit by Marthy Creek! Here is a little video I took this morning. 

We are trying to landscape and slowly the grass is coming in.  But to add color, my (good high school) friend, Agnes brought me many plants to add to the yard. AND she planted them! They were just put into the ground last week so are still trying to take root. They include not only a border of white pines, but also red bud, forsythia, Lilly of the Valley, Day lilies, Bluebells, Pachysandra, natural ferns, red hot pokers, wild marigolds, and more. Thanks Agnes for such a labor of love. Jack also added 4 blueberry bushes so the bees would be happy!

early plants

In addition to wine & water, we have added a 48-inch brightly colored spring wreath to the grand fireplace. Southern Roots (thanks Suzie) designed a lovely wreath for Spring/Summer and I have stored away the Winter/Fall wreath until next year.

Wreath as seen from upper level

Wreath as seen from upper level

I have covered the water and wreaths, but WHAT ABOUT THE WINE? We applied for and received our Alcoholic beverage license. It wasn’t easy, but Jack stayed with it, completed the forms, requiring us to lease our home to Bedford Landings, revise the Health inspection certificate to display our LLC status, purchase from approved wholesalers, and finally we received the license.ABC_License

Now we can sell wine to guests. We are able to offer gift baskets with wine included for special occasions. We are carrying a very limited quantity right now of red and white wines but hope to offer some of our local wines once we see how these sell.



So we may not always have wine and roses at Bedford Landings but we are getting there! We have wine, wreaths and water!

One Comment

Marion Wetcher on April 25, 2015

I LOVE that you're honoring you Mother!!!!! She would be so pleased! Can't wait to see for myself all the new additions since the last time we visited!!!! Love you guys!

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