Someday my roof will come!

Posted on June 20, 2013 by Bedfordlandings

We have been waiting for a long time to get a roof, but just now a van with 7 workers drove in and hopefully they will begin to tar paper and shingle!  No rain yesterday was a good sign and it is not raining now!  If we can just get the tar paper up we can stay dry inside!  I will post photos once they begin shingling!

Roofing Crew

Roofing Crew

Other than that, I have been painting exterior doors and installing door locks. I found a color really close to the front door stain which will be on all exterior doors. See the door to the left of the front door.

door color

Jack has been framing in for all bathrooms, doorways, and gas fireplaces. Cindy (Smith Mtn Bld Supply) is coming today to measure for interior doors. Glenwood Propane completed running the gas lines and did a good job cleaning up after themselves (I might add)!

More later!



Have you moved your subscription yet? | bedfordlandings on June 20, 2013

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Wilda on June 20, 2013

I can Identify with needing good weather for the roof. We had to wait a whole week because of rain to get our new roof. Hope things go well today. It's looking great!

Lewanna Stout on June 20, 2013

So glad you are getting the topping on the cake!! It is nice to have roof over your head!! Love seeing progress and want to come. Lewanna

browncrawford on June 20, 2013

Disney could not have sung it better "Someday my roof will come . . ." You can be the princess and Jack the Prince in this ever unfolding tale . . .looking great!

Bedfordlandings on June 20, 2013

Thanks sis!

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