Gotta Blog!

Posted on October 28, 2013 by Bedfordlandings

I just had to blog!  There was so much activity today, it just warmed my heart! And I just had to share!

The drywall crew is nearing completion and will be done by Wednesday.  They had to get the stained glass window installed so they could complete that wall.  Here is what it looks like installed.  They wall drywall around the bracing.  I made this when we were still in NC.  For those who live here, you know that shape is Smith Mountain!


Jack has been water proofing the star gazing deck so that it doesn’t drip on people who may be on the screened porch below.  A slow and tedious (but very necessary) process!


The pavers called last night and wanted to come prep the driveway today.  I was delighted with this news.  These photos shoe looking toward the runway and looking toward the road from the front porch.

Driveway_up Driveway_down

The HVAC guys (Cundiff Heating and Air) were installing the big units under the front porch.


Wednesday will be a big day!

This is so exciting! Well, not the hip part!  But not using crutches will be exciting!


Sheridan on October 29, 2013

It is important to note that the first light at the end of the tunnel is not necessarily a guarantee of a more positive outcome. There still could be a number of obstacles to overcome or crucial decisions to make before the source of the light is reached. The significance of the first sign of light is a much-needed suggestion of hope, which often motivates people to keep moving with a renewed sense of purpose. After hours of walking through a dark, cold tunnel, it is easy to see why the first glimmer of light would be considered inspirational. The metaphor of finding hope at the end of a long, difficult journey is indeed comparable to glimpsing the light at the end of a real tunnel.

Marion Wetcher on October 29, 2013

Well........lots of exciting things happening at the B & B !!!! Lookin' Good!!!! Prayers for your surgery on Wednesday! Keep us posted!

Stephanie M. on October 29, 2013

Looking good! So excited for you!!!! Big hugs!

Mary Julg on October 29, 2013

Prayers for continued progress. Also ptayers for the surgery tomorrow for you both and the surgeons.

Sue Timmins on October 29, 2013

Sounds AWESOME...I can't wait to see the finished "product". You will be in my thoughts and prayers on Wednesday ... speedy recovery and keep us posted on how you are doing !!!!!

MaryCraven Poteat on October 29, 2013

Prayers for your surgery and great progress on your house...we are so excited for you all and hope you will take time to heal ....choir practice is on wed. Since Halloween is on thurs. Our big program is this Sunday ....will say special prayer for Karen. Mcp

Sue Whitney on October 29, 2013

Prayers for your fast recovery! Your stained glass window of the Peaks of Otter is absolutely lovely. They have become the logo of Bedford county, and you have done them beautiful justice. Lots of love going your way, Sue

Lewanna Stout on October 29, 2013

What a time for repairs of the body. I stay excited about the B&B and wish I was more of a handywoman to help. We keep you in our prayers always. Lewanna

Ella on October 30, 2013

Karen, so sorry to know you needed surgery. Best wishes for a quick recovery. Love the stained glass. Can't wait to see the finished product. Good vibs being sent your way!

Carolyn on October 30, 2013

The B&B is beautiful. Praying for you as you have surgery today. Centra is good. Praying for the doctor and his team as they operate on you. I see blessings all around you.

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