Jack and I were persuaded to form a team to walk in the Jim Cameron Memorial Walk that was held Sept 20. This 5K and 10K walk is a fundraiser for Lake Christian Ministries. LCM does great things to support and assist families in financial, health-related, and job crisis. Neither Jack nor I are very good at promoting ourselves nor money-related events such as this. But we proudly raised $500 for LCM. Thanks to the supporters who contributed (especially Shelley who donated then guilted several pilots into donating!) We indeed walked and felt no aches nor pains the next day! We even had guests who were staying with us come walk and join our team!
There have been a few fly-in guests at Bedford Landings this month. Jack’s favorite was a Monocoupe that was flown from Pennsylvania. These guests spent several days at Bedford Landings.
Also in this photo is a Cessna 150 that was flown up by the new owner of Jack’s RV-4. For many of you who flew with Jack in the RV-4 it is time to tell it goodbye as it flies off to Eagles Landing in North Carolina. This little plane was a great traveling plane getting us places fast. However, several of our guests have asked for rides over beautiful Smith Mountain Lake so Jack is looking for a plane that can seat 4 in which he can take people to see SML from the air. Stay tuned on that development!
As a P.S. to the monocoupe pilot, He sent a photo once he was home. The subject line was “We miss your breakfast.” This is the picture he sent. This is NOT an image you would see at Bedford Landings. But it is often what we hear that people eat when they are not staying here!
Karen’s finally completed her Children’s book entitled “Cloudy with a Chance of Dreams.” The book, intended for 7-12 year olds features an airplane, a dog, and a bike. Using grandson, Jaxon, as an inspiration artist, Lisa Binion (See: http://jdiva.com/) conveyed the illustrations. Karen has published it with CreateSpace.com under the name of Karen Phillips. It is available through amazon.com (ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-1502376664) and will be available at Bedford Landings for $10 a copy.
The story is interactive in that parents and children can determine together the outcome of the storyline at several different junctures. A note to parents and a page about how to become a pilot are included in this educational little book.
Summer is gone and Fall is here!
We thank all of our guests for a fun summer. We met many new friends. It was busy, especially in July and August. It is slowing down a bit, but the lake keeps active with the upcoming Wine Festival (Sept 27-28), the Charity Home Tour (October 11-12) and the Chilifest (November 1). See: http://visitsmithmountainlake.com for more information about Fall events)
This summer, we enjoyed serving fresh fruit and vegetables. For Fall and Winter, we most likely will be back one of our favorite recipes: Cheddar Apples. A trip to the orchards is on our list of things to do this Fall!
For those who still have tomatoes left, here is a recipe for you to try at home. Very tasty and easy to make!
Breakfast Bruschetta
Use French or Italia bread slices sliced about 1/2 inch thick.
Brush with olive oil and sprinkle VERY lightly with garlic salt. Broil just until beginning to brown. You can do this ahead of time.
Remove from broiler and sprinkle on finely chopped fresh tomatoes that have been lightly tossed with olive oil and fresh chopped basil leaves. Top with grated mozzarella. Broil until a little browner and cheese is melted.
Bon Appetite and happy Fall!
Man the book looks fantastic!!! You are amazing! Love ya Bro.