In the 1990’s the movie “What About Bob,” with Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss was produced at beautiful Smith Mountain Lake. Last year, a new movie called “Lake Effects” was produced by LifeOutLoud Films also at SML starring Jane Seymour. It is quite entertaining and includes many familiar lake characteristics. It was shown this past Spring on The Hallmark Movie Channel and we have since met producer, Sarah Elizabeth Timmons and some others who were involved. Now LifeOutLoud has teamed with author David Baldacchi who also lives at SML to produce one of his books into a movie. The book and movie are entitled “Wish You Well.” A few weeks ago, Jack and I went to Blacksburg, Virginia for the casting call for extras in the movie. We got roles. Jack will be in a courtroom scene and I will be in a cemetery scene. The movie takes place in the 1930’s and they have asked if we have any clothing from that era. I need a hat and a dress suitable for a funeral. Do you have one still in your closet from that era? Anyway, we will be going for costume fittings soon but this is the sort of fun we are having in retirement! I am also singing with a group called the Lakeside Singers (about 100 voices) and our performance for this Fall will be November 16 and 17. We both are singing with Bethlehem United Methodist Church Choir and we joined the church last week. There are so many activities here that we could be busy every day!
The past two weeks, we have been meeting with various banks and have many angles working right now but nothing definite on the construction loan. Nonetheless, we are plumbing away. We got the waterproofing completed and passed that inspection. Hopefully it will dry up tomorrow and we can begin to backfill around the foundation. Then I can plant grass seed! Jack has been running plumbing and continues to be a building wizard!
Last week, my sister, Sherry and her husband John visited to check on the construction of her home. They have surpassed us and now have walls erected. Very exciting! Check out her blog! While she was here, we visited Mom who was seemed to recognize us as somewhat familiar. She knew we were important to her and showed her love for us. She doesn’t, however know my name, Sherry’s name, nor the difference between a cup and a shoe. Alzheimer’s is such a degenerative disease!
This weekend is the Charity Home Tour. Eight homes will be featured and Jack’s brother Jimmy and wife Deborah will come visit for the first time! The lake water level is too low to see the homes by boat (we don’t have one anyway!!) so we will travel by car. Maybe there will be great ideas for decorating!
Until the next time, enjoy the smell of Fall in the air!
Try the thrift stores/antique stores for'd be amazed what you can find!
My brother, Dale (3 years behind me, do you remember him?), has been the extra in a couple of movies filmed in Charlotte. He's having a good time with it!
You did not give me Sherry’s email or address. She might like to write a note to you for your walk. Pass it on girl. LS
I think it is time to write Oprah or Ellen!