A Day in the LIfe of Karen & Jack

Posted on February 9, 2013 by Bedfordlandings

We generally awaken between 6:00 and 6:30 but some nights we toss and turn all night with the sound of wind or rain on the hangar tin roof.  Relaxing, you say?  Not anymore!  It means there is a storm, it means a wet subfloor and a wet basement floor!  But by morning, the sun is usually shining and we are thankful for another day.

Each morning about 8:00, Jack loads up the cute golf cart.  Remember the cute golf cart we got this summer (scroll to the bottom of the link)?  It has become a tool cart!


Ready for a day of work

Now that I am working for Virginia Cooperative Extension, I work at my desk.  Jack says it looks like Mission Control with all of the monitors.  I have the Va Tech computer and monitors on the left and my PC on the right.  I am really enjoying what I am doing!


Karen at Mission Control

This past week, Jack has been framing in the basement.  On the lower level there is the garage in addition to steps up to the kitchen, a game room, fitness room, theatre room, steps up to the Great Room, a half bath, and Jack’s workshop.  He is almost through this framing. Note the wet floors.  Each time it rains, we sweep water.  Once we put a lid on all of this, it will be ok!


Basement framing looking into the theatre room through to Jack’s workshop.

This week, I attended a Rain Barrel workshop. It’s far easier to make one than I thought. We don’t have any gutters yet so no place to put it except inside where it won’t blow away.  Here it is with the dumb waiter shaft that Jack has framed.


Rain Barrel & dumb waiter shaft framing.

So in our separate worlds of work each day, sometimes there are mishaps.  Nobody knows that my home office is actually a hangar.  Sometimes the air compressor comes on in the middle of a conference call (really loud) or the dog starts barking.  Or occasionally Jack comes to the hangar and says he needs a bandaid or ice.  Poor baby. I swear I did not hit him!

ImageOn Saturdays, sometimes I work on stained glass.  This piece will be for the front entry hallway of the house.  Once it is done, I will share the full piece. Below this picture is a picture of the one I completed for my sister’s new house.  She is building across the lake from us.


Karen working on stained glass.


Lighthouse Glass.

So that’s typical winter life at Bedford Landings!  

Until later, stay warm if you are in the line of Orca & Nemo!



browncrawford on February 9, 2013

You are two pioneers and role models for the rest of us. Your place is going to be a show stopper!

Eloise Phillips on February 10, 2013

Looks like you are really making progress and it is looking good. Hope you don't have any more accidents - glad you had on safety glasses. Your little golf cart is coming in handy. Nice little office you have set up. Karen.

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