Being Doolittle!

Posted on August 21, 2021 by Bedfordlandings

JGeneral Doolittleames Harold Doolittle (December 14, 1896 – September 27, 1993) was an American military general  and aviation pioneer who received the Medal of Honor for his daring raids on Japan during World War II. He also made early coast-to-coast flights, won many flying races, and helped develop instrument flying (

Doolittle was the first to envision that a pilot could be trained to use instruments to fly through fog, clouds, precipitation of all forms, darkness, or any other impediment to visibility; and in spite of the pilot’s own possibly convoluted motion sense inputs.

And these reputable actions are what I have been trying to explain to our newest addition to the family, Doolittle DeBord-Phillips. My friend, Mischelle said, “Just let me bring the puppies over for you to meet and see what you think.”  (She knew) Who can refuse an adorable puppy!


7 weeks old August 7, 2021

We went through multiple iterations of naming the pup, even asking people on Facebook for suggestions.  Biscuit and Bacon were top contenders, but we wanted a term that had to do with flying rather than breakfast…so we settled on Doolittle and it is growing on us although sometimes shortened to Doodle!


Doolittle 9 weeks old. August 21, 2021

We have had Doolittle now for 2 weeks and he has really grown more and more comfortable.  Weighing in (at his first vet visit) at 3.8 lbs, he is NOT housebroken yet so any tips are welcomed!  Just look at the comparison of these photos taken 2 weeks apart.

We do think he will be a great B & B dog.  He has been friendly and played with all guests who have tried to interact.   Dogs have long been called “Man’s best friend” but they truly are a family’s best and loyal friend in times of need.  So many people determined it was time for a dog during the COVID lock down and study after study have found that pets provide a therapeutic benefit to reducing stress and providing comfort.  Bedford Landings is NOT pet friendly.  So, you can’t bring your dog, but we are making an effort to provide a great dog to interact with while you are here.

Bella the dogBella gave us many years of comfort before she crossed the rainbow bridge in October 2020.  It too us awhile to determine what type of hypoallergenic dog to get.  Hopefully Doolittle will grow and learn the expectations that we have for him and maybe just like James Harold (“Jimmy”) Doolittle, he will be able to navigate the many guests and seasons to come!  Welcome Doolittle!!





One Comment

Sheridsn on August 21, 2021

I see the resemblance around the eyes of both Doolittles.

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