What Do You Do in the Winter?

Posted on January 16, 2025 by Bedfordlandings

It seems that January can be the longest month of the year.  Yes, there are 31 days but there are also 31 days in 7 other months!  Why does it seem so long?  Maybe it is the let down coming out of the Christmas holidays, or maybe it is the winter doldrums.  Maybe it is because we have to stay inside because of the cold.

Years ago, as a mom, I looked forward to snow days with the kids up to a certain point.  And the same is true today.  Snow is fun for about a day for me, then it is just inconvenient; lots of rescheduling and the house becomes a mess.  When I worked an 8-5 job, it was difficult to find childcare when schools were closed and working from home was not an option then, so I sympathize with working parents.  Even working from home, work is interrupted! With kids, there is always outdoor snow play which leads to a dryer running non-stop to dry all the wet play clothes.  With retired adults, there is always a good book, a jigsaw puzzle, enjoying the birds at the feeder, or baking in the kitchen.  What do you do?

Birds in snow

Soon, it will be February, the shortest month!  Bedford Landings B & B is running a Valentine’s special.  Stay a minimum of two days and we will gift you a single red rose, chocolate covered strawberries, and either wine or champagne. It is your choice! We still have two rooms available for the romantic get away!

Rose and strawberries

February leads to March which makes it feel as if it is nearly Spring!  So never fear!  Winter won’t be here forever!  Here’s a easy soup recipe I have made many times that never fails to please!  

Easy Jambalaya

Sauté these ingredients in 2 Tablespoons of butter
3/4 c. chopped onion
½ c. celery
¼ c. chopped green pepper
1 clove garlic, minced

Stir in:
1 28 oz can chopped tomatoes, undrained
1 10 oz can beef broth
1 ¼ c. water
1 t. sugar
½ t. dried thyme
½ T. chili powder
1/3 t. black pepper
Add 1 c. uncooled long grain rice
Add one or all of the following – 2 cups cubed cooked ham or chicken, pound of sausage, or 1 ½ lb medium fresh shrimp. Let simmer so flavors blend. Enjoy! Get those crock pots cookin’!

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