Today is Christmas Eve. The anticipation of Advent is coming to a close. Soon we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some are believers of this long told story. Some still wonder! For me, I am not sure how I would have put one foot in front of the other during times of my life without the knowledge that God is in control. I am not.
We have had many joyful encounters this year as guests walk thought the door of Bedford Landings! Some have come with unbelievable stories. Blessed Paula who had lived in a coma for many years, but now smiles amongst us. Loving Peggy who was unsure why she had been guided to travel our way. She had many emotions, many stories, and influenced many lives on a brief weekend encounter. Families with sweet children, careful pilots who traveled from afar and guests who surprised one another with the visit to our Inn.
Jack and I have had a music-centered year from singing with the Lakeside Singers, working to order and install a new church organ (Jack), singing with the SML Boomer Band (for Karen-See SML Boomer Band on Facebook) to singing in Carnegie Hall. That’s right! We were so privileged to sing with 225 voices on December 3. See if you can identify us!
As we enter a new year with excitement and expectations, just remember who is the composer and who is the director of your orchestra, your life and your next steps! I wrote a little poem just for this day. Merry Christmas to all!